Hello Everyone!

We’ve received many messages about how to effectively utilize our study resources. Today, I’ll provide a brief breakdown aimed at enhancing study efficiency, especially if you’re starting from scratch.

Trust the Process

Getting familiar with the resources takes a bit of time, but with patience, you’ll find your rhythm and know how to make the most out of each resource.That’s why we say most often Trust the process!

Key Advice

  • Use as few resources as possible (the high-yield ones) and retain as much as possible. Don’t confuse yourself with lots of resources; they don’t help in the long run.
  • Our resources cover every minute detail and concept you need to know for Step 1.

Usmle Step 1 and 2ck: A key Fact you need to know

The USMLE Step 1 now pass/fail. it impacts your approach to the exam. Remember the best way to do well on Step 2 is to have a strong foundation in Step 1. It Actually Lays a foundation for your Step2 as you will see a ton of topics overlapping. That being said you should not be the one (hopefully at least not in Our preparation Communities 😅) of barely passing step1 as you’ve got a long road to do well on step2 as well .
Step 2 focuses more on practical knowledge than Step 1. Instead of detailed questions about disease processes like biochem or histo, it asks you what to do next in treatment. For example, if someone is in an emergency from a car accident and has low blood pressure, you need to decide the best immediate action or treatment.
But here’s the trick you need to know the first part of the Question in order to be able to interpret the next best step. Mastering Step 1 is important because it will help you be able to tell what disease they are talking about. In summary Content-wise step2 is 60-70% step1 based.
Well this took us far, let’s get down straight

Key Resources in Our Study Plans

  • First Aid (FA)
  • UWorld (UW)
  • Boards and Beyond (BnB)
  • Sketchy (for Microbiology)
  • Kaplan (for Pharmacology)

Your primary focus should be mastering UWorld and your bible, First Aid.

First Aid Supplemented with BnB

BnB is succinct, detailed, updated has been around for Med Students for so long. Also, a big plus is that it has a thorough amount of Knowledge and covers pretty mini-concepts for usmle. For a biginner i’d say it’s a must. Some of you would find it dry but overall it is an amazingly efficient resource when combined with FA. I know alot of people Who did 260+ on both step1&2 consistently using BnB supplemented with FA and Uw. It requires effort, but the rewards are invaluable.
Bnb is especially valuable for those who have weak basics. Isn’t a carbon copy of FA but pretty well explains every concept(May be more than that).

How to Use These Resources:

  1. Read a section in FA (e.g., CVS embryo).
  2. Watch the related BnB video.
  3. Annotate BnB notes onto FA.
  4. Tackle related questions in UW and note key points back into FA.

When to start using Uworld?

Start immediately. The biggest omission in the process of preparing for step one is beginning Uworld late. Start the qbankas soon as possible.

Please go for UW as early as possible.use it as learning tool. Initially you might get many wrongs but it will build up ur confidence for later.
The software has sophisticated progress tracking System that keeps you on the track.
Initially your scores might be low but with time it will magically starts improving. For example you might start off with 30% , it will keep on improving reaching 65-80%. That’s when you are ready for the real deal. Well note that while doing well on Uworld doesn’t mean you don’t need to read the explainations. In fact you have to memorize a long list of things from Uworld.
In Summary First pass~~>>Learning tool

You might miss a lot in the beginning because you’re still consolidating information, but doing one block a day in the start is very doable . I think if you save it for dedicated, you might have to do 2-3 blocks a day which can be overwhelming/stressful if you’re also planning to maintain content review plus rushing this thing in the end can put you at a great risk when you can beautifully cover everything starting from earlier.

Using Sketchy for Microbiology: Tips for longterm Memorization

  • Passive learning is watching the video. 
  • For active learning use this strategy: After watching video use the sketchy workbook. They have all the points written in a systemic order 1,2,3… memorize these in a story form. You can follow the lables from 1-15 etc.. close your eyes and try to memorize each points. Repeat the process and after two to three times you will remember everything at fingertips.
  • To integrate spaced repetition, I graduated to using Anki. Anki is a free spaced repetition flashcard program. You can use pre-made cards or make your own. Anki has its own algorithm for when it shows you a flashcard again, so it keeps you in the timeframe of the Forgetting Curve. 


Active Recall

In this technique we try to recall information what we study from memory without looking at notes or textbooks.

It can also be done by using flash cards, quizzing yourself or asking help from friend.

Mind Mapping

In this technique we try to mind map key concepts and relationships between them

It can help us to organize information what we study and identify the most important ideas.

Pomodoro technique

It is a time management system designed to increase to productivity and improve the focus for studying by maximizing the studying time.

It includes breaking tasks into intervals traditionally 25 minutes followed by a short break for 5 min and long break for 15 min.

This break allows you to rest your mind and recharge before you begin your next Pomodoro.

Spaced repetition

It is a learning study technique which involves revising information at increasing intervals of time to improve your long-term memory.

As time passes, we humans tend to forget what we studied so reviewing the study materials at the right intervals we can strengthen our memory and improve our ability to recall the information later.

Why Join AceUsmle?

At AceUsmle We have Done the Research for you wether you are starting from scratch or boosting your preparation to the next level we have Got you covered.

A Complete Course ! 

It’s a complete course | 300+ Live Lectures, 24+ Assesments of all Systems with all the essential study materials (Notes, Question Bank+, Books & e-Learning)

Question Bank+

World Best Usmle Question Bank ✅Step 1  ✅Step 2ck ✅ Step 3 is Absolutely FREE!!(Online) on a course.

Amazing Study Plans

Receive meticulously crafted study plans tailored to your unique resource preferences and study pace. Your tutor will ensure that every aspect of your plan aligns with your goals and objectives.

AceUsmle Premium Resource Library

Get Access to Hundreds of premium resources with AceUsmle resource Library  Including Videos lectures, Notes,  Encompassing All the essential materials you need for your preparation.

Highly Interactive Class

Highly Interactive Classes with discussion on all High-Yield, important & difficult topics, Exam focused notes & discussions with a Dedicated Tutor for Each Examinee.


Comprehensive assessments upon completing Each System With performance monitoring, Sophisticated performance tracking software with a special focus on weak areas. 

Lecture Notes+

A Complete Lecture Notes (eBooks) covering all the important topics will be provided on each system.

Premium Support Groups+

connect with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are navigating the same journey towards Usmle.

Recieve Support and Guidance from Tutors available anytime guiding you from scratch till Residency Match.

FREE Online Access !

Free Online Access for online recorded classes, mock exams, download books, question bank and  other essential materials 

Get your Subscription Today and Kickstart your Journey to Success.
